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Who We Are


The European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online is a network consisting of 23 children’s rights NGOs from across the EU working for a safer online environment for children.

Our Mission is to promote and support actions at national, European and international level to protect children and promote their rights in relation to the Internet and new technologies.

Our work is based on the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Optional Protocol to the UNCRC on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

eNACSO is co-funded by the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme.

About Us

Children and young people benefit enormously from the communication and information potential of the internet. However, especially as children are one of the fastest growing groups of internet users, there are many issues which need to be addressed relating both to content on the internet which can be damaging to children, and to the potential for harmful contact between abusers and children.

eNACSO provides a valuable pool of online child protection NGOs from different European countries.

The network is able to share expertise and best practice on key policy areas related to child online safety in order to become more effective in promoting a child protection focus in relation to the Internet and new and emerging technologies.

eNACSO will forge joint strategies for change, and promote its recommendations to national, European and international decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders.

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