Safer Internet Armenia 2012
February 29, 2012Over 15 000 Children Take Part in Safer Internet Armenia 2012
About 60 per cent of Armenia’s secondary schools hosted Safer Internet Open Classes between February 7 and February 25 this year. This wide-scale action has been based on the new model of Internet Safety Open Lessons, developed by the Media Education Center and introduced in Armenian schools in frames of the Safer Internet Armenia 2012 project. 300 school teachers have been trained and 800 Armenian secondary and high schools hosted Open Classes on Internet Safety, attended by 15 000 children in the capital city and regions within February.
Safer Internet Armenia 2012 has been launched by Media Education Center, Internet Society of Armenia through support of Orange telecom and Yerevan City Municipality. The project is aimed to provide children and parents, teachers and students with necessary educational materials, highlighting how to use new technologies safely and effectively in their everyday life and apply in learning.
On February 07 and February 25 ranked the second and the first Armenian most visited ‘Education and Science’ web-site. The success of the project has led to the involvement of new partners, as the National Center of Educational Technologies and the extension of the scope if the project in the provinces of Armenia.
Best Video Clip and Best Open Lesson contests have been announced among secondary school children and teachers and over 100 entries have already been submitted. In March-April Internet Safety Parental Classes will be held in 500 Armenian schools.
To read more about the project you can visit,