Calls about neglect to NSPCC double in two years
July 10, 2012The NSPCC is warning that a sharp increase in reports of neglect cases is putting additional pressure on already stretched children’s services. New figures released by the charity show that reports to its helpline about neglect have doubled over the past two years to reach record levels. The latest NSPCC helpline report shows that last year there were twice as many calls and emails to the charity about neglect as in 2009/10. NSPCC counsellors dealt with over 12,000 contacts about neglect from the public – the biggest number of reports about neglect yet recorded by the charity’s helpline. The rise in reports of neglect to the NSPCC comes as local children’s services face unprecedented pressures, with more children being taken into care, and more families needing help at a time of significant funding cuts.
The NSPCC is testing a ground breaking new approach with local authorities to find out what is most effective in identifying, preventing and tackling neglect quickly. The charity is also working with social workers and other professionals to find out what extra support and training they need. This research includes a survey in partnership with Community Care that is live online now and the NSPCC is urging professionals working with neglect cases to take part. Read more at the NSPCC website