eNACSO members’ meeting, 2011
June 5, 201217 members and 2 associate members came to Copenhagen for the eNACSO members’ meeting 10-12 October 2011.
The members had a packed program focusing on capacity building and networking.
Major challenges to children’s safety online were discussed by the participants at a number of workshops and on a field trip. The field trip went to waterAgame/Go Super Model where the members met employees dealing with the online safety of the users of Go Super Model.
The themes addressed during the meeting included combating online grooming, fighting online child abuse material and discussing the effect new technologies has on children’s lives from a child rights angle. Speakers from the industry, NGOs and law enforcement were invited to share their views and best practice examples in the thematic areas.
The members’ meeting is an important event where members get new information and updates on relevant issues, and it is also the forum where the network seeks to consolidate and strengthen the cooperation between the members.